Thursday, November 25, 2010


This year my kids and I added a special touch to our Thanksgiving table.

When I was setting up the table I realized I still had the cloth napkins in the laundry basket (we did a rehearsal Thanksgiving Dinner last week) so the napkins were all wrinkled.

I had to use paper napkins. I hated it because they look so cheap and cheesy especially when you are using expensive china from Europe. I needed to do something to

make those paper napkins look a little more exciting.

That’s when I came up with the idea of making a turkey napkin holder. I grabbed the construction paper and scissors and started cutting. I needed seven so I started making an assembly line.

It was really easy and it probably took me a total of 15 minutes to make all seven.

Here’s what you need:

Construction paper (orange, pink, brown, red, yellow)

Staples and a stapler

Black marker (to draw the eyes)

Check out the picture that I posted along with this blog so you can see what I cut out. It’s really easy and they’re a hit.

My son wrote the name of each person on the turkey. It ended up being a place card as well and then at the end of the party grandma and grandpa took them home as a souvenir. They loved it too.

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